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Find Your Joy!

Lay Ministry

Lay Ministers

serve alongside the clergy and assist in the of leading  worship services.   To learn how you can serve, click on the link at the end of the page.



read appointed lessons from scripture during worship services.



are licensed by the bishop and serve at the altar during Holy Communion



lead the Prayers of the People during worship



anoint individuals with sacramental oil and pray for healing during Sunday worship




Altar Guild

members are responsible for liturgical preparations for all worship services and the maintenance and care of  church vestments, linens and silver.





members lead the congregational hymns and sing anthems during worship


Ushers & Greeters

serve as the first point of contact as people enter the church, offering assistance when needed and answering questions.





Hospitality Ministers

coordinate and oversee church receptions in the parish hall, for collations following funerals and

other events.

Annual Events

Art and Spirit

If your passion is art, St. Mary's annual art auction is the perfect place

to get involved.   






Summer Fair

If you enjoy yard sales, you will find ample opportunities to volunteer  and have fun at St. Mary's Summer Fair.  





The Vestry

consist of ten elected members who serve with the Rector to oversee the parish and its mission to the community and the world.






 identifies people and groups within our community and the world who need help, recommending to the vestry the use church's resources to address those needs.      






Buildings & Grounds

is responsible for insuring the proper maintenance of the church's buildings and the care of the garden and grounds.


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